Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How to Get Free Malware Removal Support

Getting MalWare infections is easy. Yes it is. could be as easy as browsing through an infected website. Having those malicious software removed is quite difficult and can be frustrating at times not to mention it being expensive.

MalWare removal is not part of your computer's warranty. Usually you'll have to pay at least $49 to have someone over the phone instruct you how to remove it. And a lot more to have someone come to your house to remove it for you.

The good news is that there are many free resources and volunteers online just waiting for you to discover.

How do you remove the about blank virus from your computer?

How to Remove about:blank...Let me save you some time!

I fixed about: blank with Microsoft Defender. I did try a lot...a lot of the other post suggestions below. Trust me, install this software, select the deep scan option and go do something else because it may take hours to scan. Once it's finished select remove infection from the drop down option. Reboot your computer, open up Windows Explorer and follow the instructions on changing your home page to whatever you want.

Microsoft Defender is free to download from there site as long as your OS (i.e. XP, Vista) is valid. If your computer does not have the latest Microsoft updates I suggest you do that as well.